10 Tips to Take BCS Written Preparation Quickly

BCS Written Preparation, BCS Written Exam Preparation, BCS Written ExamHave you already kick-started your BCS Written Preparation?

If you’ve already started BCS Written Exam preparation, perhaps, you’re worried!

If you’re delayed by some extent to start BCS Written Exam Preparation,, you’re horrified.

And if you’re yet to start, you’re definitely terrified and broken!


I know you’re mentally sucked up!

Because you’ve been caught in a dilemma about how you can take BCS Written Preparation successfully.

You know strategies are import as they will define your success at the crucial stages of your BCS Written examination. So fix your BCS Written Exam Preparation strategies at first.

You will have to sit for BCS written test and BCS Viva-voce of 1100 marks. BCS Written test constitutes 81.82% of your total 1100 marks. So your fate will mostly be defined by your score in BCS Written test. And your final merit position will be fixed based on your obtained total score of bcs written test and viva-voce. No matter what if you’ve so called influential ‘Mamas’ or super influential ‘Daddy.’ They won’t be able to influence your BCS Written exam result.


BCS written hurdle is a comprehensive test. It’s like that of ‘Test Cricket’ format of battle! You always have chances to lose in some phases and to win in other phases.


Let me list below the “Dos and ‘Don’ts” for taking a sound BCS Written Exam Preparation:


# 1 # Find out Your Weak Zones

Finding out weak areas of a candidate is a must for all kinds of exam or battle preparation. The same is true for BCS Written exam preparation.

So find out your weak-points based on the range and topics of BCS written syllabus. Write down about your weak areas and plan your strategies to overcome them. Listing your problems is like diagnosing your diseases. You can’t single out any appropriate medicines for your diseases until you identify them.


# 2 # Examining the BCS Written Test Syllabus

You must go through the syllabus minutely to have clear perception about the depth of the syllabus. Re-read or re-revise the syllabus to find out the most important areas of the syllabus so that you can focus on those areas to get more marks in the BCS written exam. Don’t forget to mark those important areas or topics. You better use red-pen to high-light them to draw your random attention.


# 3 # Make a Priority List of Study before starting BCS Written Preparation.

Listing is making something organized. Not all the topics are equally important for BCS Written exam success. Some topics need more attention than other ones. Some topics carry fewer marks to be focused on just at the very beginning of your preparation. So make a priority list of your topics to have a solid and organized BCS Written Preparation.


# 4 # Channelise Information Data-base

You must have clear perception about the ‘brief questions’ and ‘short questions’. Examiners tend to go through your short and brief questions’ answers minutely and carefully. If you provide wrong information and just beat about the bush, you will brutally be penalized in short notes as well as in broad-questions segments.


# 5 # Learn How to Maximise Your Memory Re-call

After memorizing any stock of information (in the form of Short or Broad Answers), our memory system tends to lose 80 % of the memorized information or data-stock on particular topic just after 24 hours of our study. So you tend to forget cent-percent of your memorised information.

Follow this research-based revision cycle to maximize your memory re-call:

Execute your—

1st Revision:   Just after 24 hours of your study. So you’ll be able to remember your information throughout the next 7 days.

2nd Revision:   After first week. Your memory will last for the next one month.

3rd Revision: After first one month. Your memorized information can be recalled or remembered for the next 6 months.

If you follow the above ‘Revision-Cycle’, you’ll definitely be able to remember your maximum information stock that you have learned earlier.


# 6 # Learn the Basic Information Authentically

It’s nearly impossible to study all the questions of your BCS Written Exam syllabus. But you’ll have to answer all the questions to get handsome marks in the subjects belonging to BCS Written Test.

What you should do?

Understand the core-philosophy of study from the quotation given below:

‘Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.’         [Of Studies: Francis Bacon]


# 7 # Participate in the Mock-Written Tests to solidify your BCS Written Preparation.

It’s very essential to participate in two or three mock-written tests so that you may better understand and identify your efficiency level. You’ll be able to fix your timing errors and measure how short or how long you should write your answers under all segments before-hands.


# 8 # Purchase an Extra-set of Books for BCS Written Preparation

Not all topics can be found well-written in a single set of books. So try to purchase or borrow an alternative set of books to be enriched with rich and accurate information.


# 9 # Be Familiar with and Accustomed to Your Writing Style and Devices

Never experiment in the exam-hall. Be familiar with the presentation style you want to follow and implement in the exam-scripts. And also be familiar with the pens, pencils and calculator.


# 10 # Apply Skimming and Scanning Method in Broad Questions

Coping with ‘Broad Questions’ is really tough to have a desired BCS Written Preparation. The problem is you don’t have enough time to cope with all the broad questions of the subjects you have for BCS written preparation test.

How will you solve this problem?

Skimming and Scanning the broad questions can be faster methods of reading so many broad questions under the belt of your BCS written test syllabus.

# For Skimming#: Go through the beginning and ending lines of the paragraphs of your broad questions and write down the summary in two-three lines from each paragraph.

#For Scanning#: Go through the key facts or key pieces of information. Write down those scanned information in short-phrases in bullet-form. Preserve your notes in a diary for next-time quick review.


In these ways, you’ll surely be able to take BCS Written Preparation effectively and succeed in the BCS Exam battle.


You can read more articles:

# What BCS Exam Candidates Can Learn from a Cricket Match

# A Survey Report on the Preparation Problems of BCS Exam Candidates


Thank you for your patient reading.


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About me

Md. Zahid Hasan is a BCS Cadre officer and the founder-writer of BCSExam.com . He joined Bangladesh Civil Service in 2011 being the 27th in the merit-list under his cadre-post of 29th BCS exam. He started writing on the tricks and tips of BCS exam preparation being requested by his senior students. He is an ardent researcher and experimenter of BCS exam preparation. If you are serious about becoming a BCS cadre officer, then Read More…

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